Magnum Acid 90 Capsules

$49.95 Sale

Magnum Acid 90 Capsules

About Magnum Acid

Magnum Acid is a Pharmaceutical Grade fat isomer designed to target problem body fat areas. Magnum Acid is a scientific formulation with proven ingredients that increase metabolism and promote lean muscle growth. With its potent 80%+ concentration and a proprietary blend of both CLA isomers, Magnum Acid will astound you with rapid fat loss and full body tightening.


Magnum Acid is an excellent choice for a CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) supplement because:

  • It is a Pharmaceutical Grade CLA supplement
  • It has both CLA Isomers (the active ingredient in CLA)
  • It has a very high potency (testing consistently between 80 – 84%)
  • It is a stimulant free fat burner
  • You will feel and look tighter in 6 days


Why take a CLA supplement?

Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) is a natural-occurring essential fatty acid that has been called the “miracle fat.” It has been scientifically proven to reduce body fat and increase lean muscle tissue. It is also know as a “nutrient partitioner,” this means that CLA helps transport and force nutrients to be utilized where your body needs them most.


A good CLA supplement will produce the following results:

  • Searching out the largest fat deposits in your body and loosening the stored fat
  • Speeding up your metabolism to burn through that fat and other calories
  • Boosting the immune system
  • Supporting vital body functioning and organs
  • Assisting in protein assimilation


Magnum Acid is ideal for anyone who:

  • Is trying to increase lean muscle mass & improve body composition
  • Is trying to tighten up their belly, buttocks, or thighs
  • Is trying to lose fat
  • Is trying to improve their diet
  • Is a bodybuilder, fitness competitor or athlete



Take 2 softgels:

  • 5 minutes before breakfast


Take 2 softgels:

  • 5 minutes before lunch


Take 2 softgels:

  • 5 minutes before dinner


If you miss one serving of Magnum Acid™, double-dose at your next meal.


Nutrition Information



How quickly can I expect results from Magnum Acid?

If you take Magnum Acid correctly (6 capsules per day on an empty stomach), you should start to see noticeable results within 2 weeks; however, we have had many customers & athletes notice a difference in their abs and buttocks in the first week!


What results can I expect from taking Magnum Acid?

Results include a tightening of your trouble areas (worst fat deposits – typically in the abs, buttocks and thighs) and a feeling of overall better health.

If I forget to take my 2 softgels of Magnum Acid at lunch, should I take 4 before dinner?

Yes! It is critical to take 6 capsules of Magnum Acid every day, so if you miss one serving, double-up later.

Is it okay to take Magnum Acid close to bedtime?

Absolutely!  Magnum Acid is stimulant free and will not hinder your sleep in any way.