Nectar Pets: ROAR Squirminator Warming Drops 50ml

$29.90 Sale

Nectar Pets: ROAR Squirminator Warming Drops 50ml

About Nectar Pets: ROAR Squirminator Warming Drops

Nectar is proud to distribute the new ROAR Homeopathic remedies for all animals! 

SQUIRMINATOR is a natural homeopathic worming remedy designed to gently expel parasites including roundworms, hookworms, tapeworms and whipworms. 

Safe for all pets 8 weeks or older, and can be used alongside existing medications. 



NB Worms are at their most active on a Full Moon. 

To get the best response from SQUIRMINATOR, dose twice daily for two days before a Full Moon, twice on the day of the Full Moon, then twice the following day. Your Full Moons will depend on your location! 


Nutrition Information

Nectar Pets: ROAR Squirminator Warming Drops 50ml

Amount Per Serving



Prepared in a base of Vegetable Glycerine and Spring Water 

Other ingredients include: Distilled Water, Vegetable Glycerine, Abrotan, Chelone, Chenopod, Grantum, Santoninum